Research seminars

These seminars are designed especially to contribute to the integration of research and education by creating consortia of universities around key research topics (Digital Humanities, Health & Aging, Migration) that the YERUN universities have identified as thematic areas in which cooperation is crucial for both education and research.

Furthermore, these seminars will also contribute to the creation of the European Education Area by strengthening cooperation within the network in the areas of research and education.

Seminar 1: Linking Education and Research in Digital Humanities

Digital humanities (DH) is an area of scholarly activity at the intersection of computing or digital technologies and the disciplines of the humanities. It includes the systematic use of digital resources in the humanities, as well as the reflection on their application. Thus, a distinctive feature of digital humanities is its cultivation of a two-way relationship between the humanities and the digital: on the one hand, the field employs technology in the pursuit of humanities, research, and on the other hand subjects technology to humanistic questioning and interrogation, often simultaneously.

The seminar on Digital Humanities will be held in Antwerp from March 21 to March 23, 2022.

For the organisation of this Seminar we have the collaboration of professor Mike Kestemont, chair of the Antwerp Centre for Digital humanities and literary Criticism (ACDC) and his research group. Together with ACDC we designed programme. If you should have any questions on the programme you can address these to professor Kestemont or Pieter Spooren.

Here you can find more details on the venue of the seminar, the hotels and on how to get to Antwerp. In case you have any further questions on practical arrangements you can contact Margot Chauliac.

Registration is possible until March 6th (23:59 – CET). To register please complete the registration form.

Photoredits: Arnold Francisca via Unsplash

Seminar 2: Linking Education and Research in Health and Ageing

Health and ageing concern aspects such as the biology of the ageing process and the etiology of health problems and diseases.

Ageing has an impact on different levels, varying from DNA, cellular function, organs and tissues to human performance at old age. Despite a global increase in life expectancy, there are large differences in health span and variations in the demography of ageing within Europe.

In addition, ageing also has a significant impact on social, political and economic level. Within the European health care systems, there are many variations in the organization of the health care and social care provision, also for the elderly. In addition, sociocultural issues such as intergenerational solidarity and family systems also differ in Europe.

This seminar was organized by the University of Maastricht from 13-15/10/2021. 

Photocredits: Cristian Newman via Unspalsh

Seminar 3: Linking Education and Research in Migration Studies

Europes history has been shaped by migrations, but the unprecedentedly broad flux of migrants in the European Union in these last years and the subsequently political tensions underline the need for a sustainable migration policy. Since 2015, Europe has been dealing with the main challenges of the migration crisis: guaranteeing high standards for the protection of migrants and refugees, uniforming those standards and enabling refugees to make use of the qualifications they already have, whether for work or for further study.

Intellectual migration needs an in-depth study, and an added value to the quality of services for migrants can be the improvement of the transparency and the recognition of the professional qualifications of social operators, also in order to facilitate employability and social inclusion.

This seminar will enable academic staff involved in or approaching Migration Studies to have an insight on research, orienteering, project management, services management and assessment in public Institutions both in third and private sector. Socio-economic and legal aspects of migration will be explored.

This seminar was organized by the University of Rome Tor Vergata from 3-5/11/2021.

Photocredits: Kyle Glenn via Unsplash